Friday, April 26, 2024

Dream Water Paradise PM Sleep Aid, 4 Count

FeaturesSleep stat natural blend: gaba gamma amino butyric acid, melatonin, l 5 hydroxytryptophan, 5 htpSleep tips: maintain a regular sleep schedule, limit caffeine intake, omit daytime naps, avoid alcohol, nicotine and excessive eating near bedtime and finish exercising at least 2 3 hours before going to sleepEnjoy a hot shower or bath. Reduce evening light exposure (TV, computer, etc), Keep your sleep environment dark and cool, Listen to calming music or other soothing sounds, Drink Dream WaterOther ingredients: reverse osmosis treated water, sodium acid sulfate, natural flavors, sodium citrate, citric acid, stevia rebianaList Price: $11.41Special Offer: check this out!Product DescriptionDream Water is a natural, 0-calorie, 2.5 ounce...

Saturday, April 20, 2024

J.CROW'S Lugol's Solution of Iodine 2%

FeaturesProduct May Come with Hard Cap and Internal DropperList Price: Special Offer: check this out!Related Products Natural Sources - Raw Adrenal, 60 capsules Iodoral (High Potency Iodine/Potassium Iodide Supplement) 90 Tablets Lugol's Iodine Solution(2 oz.) Twin Pack(2 bot.) Iodine : Why You Need It, Why You Can't Live Without It Iodine: Why you need it, Why you can't live without itProduct DescriptionAqueous solution. 94% distilled water. 4% Potassium Iodide. 2% Iodine.J.CROW'S Lugol's Solution of Iodine 2% Pro-Pack Sale! As Low as $9.95 ea. bottle! J.CROW'S Lugol's Solution of Iodine 2% "1/2 Strength" Professional Packs: Choice of 12, 24 or 50 - 2 oz. amber glass bottles with dropper J.CROW'S, The usefulness of Iodine, Lugol's Solution...

Friday, March 29, 2024

Ubiquinol Extreme Potency, 30ct Bottle 60mg All Natural, by Pure Source Labs

FeaturesUbiquinol - is an advanced form of Coenzyme Q-10Recently found to have strong anti-inflammatory propertiesHeart patients show dramatic increase in Co Q 10 levels with the ubiquinol formUbiquinol helps you convert food to energyUbiquinol becomes more important as people ageList Price: Special Offer: check this out!Product DescriptionUbiquinol is the reduced form of ubiquinone, also known as Coenzyme Q10 or CoQ10. Ubiquinol is a potent antioxidant of lipid membranes. Since becoming available over the counter, many vitamin companies have started selling ubiquinol supplements as an alternative to ubiquinone. Ubiquinone has minor side effects that include insomnia and next day fatigue if very high doses are taken daily for a few days or...

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